Calculating Orbit Trajectories
Arbitrary Gravitational Constant
Gravitational Acceleration
Obiter Earth surface acceleration
Orbiter Earth Sidereal Rotational Period
A full circle radian vector for displaying graphs
Circular Orbital Velocity
Radius of a circular orbit with period P
Radius of a 90 minute circular earth orbit
Radius of a geosyncronous
circular earth orbit
Elliptical Periapsis and Apoapsis Velocities
Elliptical Orbital Period
Distance from focus at True Anomaly f
Escape Velocity of a sphere with a mass m and radius r
Schwarzchild radius of a given mass m
Mean Anomaly at Eccentric Anomaly E
Eccentric Anomaly at True Anomaly f
Distance from center at True Anomaly f
True central angle at True Anomaly f
Velocity at True Anomaly f
90 minute to geosyncronous transfer orbit ... magenta is velocity green rings are 10k km or 10k m/s
the dotted velocity rings are the velocities required to make the orbits circular